Dear Doctor

We trust that you had a most enjoyable and restful festive holiday and that you will be graced in this new year with renewed strength, fresh ideas, an abundance of laughter, good health and spirits, love and kindness for all and that your work will be a blessing to you and all the patients that you help this year. May you prosper in your work and in your personal life and may 2015 be the year where every day counts. Each minute that passes is a minute of your life that you will never be able to retrieve again. Enjoy the year and a special thanks for being part of the Focus on Health family. We are looking forward to attending to all your CPD requirements. And remember there is nothing more true than being your real authentic self. Let your light shine bright in 2015!

Online CPD

Why not complete your answer sheet online?

Remember that you can use our online facility JUST to complete your answer sheets. You don’t have to fax it to us, wait for a confirmation, give us a call or cope with the effects of power outages. Just log in, capture your answers and your Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR) is immediately populated with your results.

If you fax your answer sheet(s) look out for a confirmatory sms from us. If you do not receive such an sms, please fax your answer sheets again.

Activities in Professional Ethics

We provide two very interesting and relevant articles in this category; the use of methylphenidate (Ritalin) among healthy people – i.e. those who do not need it because of ADHD, but use it to enhance their cognitive performance – and, secondly, waking up during an operation and if it is ethical if the anaesthetist then injects you with a drug that will erase any memories of this.

Activity One – GE1(15) Anaesthesia, amnesia and harm 4 Ethics CEU’s
Activity Two – GE2(15) The implications of Methylphenidate use by healthy medical 4 Ethics CEU’s

Clinical Activities

Activity Two – E3(15) Congenital and Hereditary Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Adults: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Risk Stratification. Five Common Causes of Sudden Unexpected Death Every EMS Provider Should Know 3 Clinical CEU’s

Schedule – 2015

We will source and accredit new activities throughout 2015.

Herewith a layout of the activities that will be sent throughout the year:

(Please take note that this is just a guideline and that activities may be earlier or later than specified, depending on the accreditation of articles. However, we will do our best to keep to these dates.)

Package Date of postage /Email Activities
2nd delivery June 15 Clinical CEU’s
3rd delivery Sept 15 Clinical CEU’s

Payment and cancellation policy

Should your account be in arrears answer sheets will NOT be assessed. Accounts continually in arrears can also lead to us requesting the blacklisting of the account holder.

For paid up accounts and referrals, we reciprocate by offering a discount on annual fees as well as credits to accounts.

Please remember that we require written notice of cancellation and that a three – month notice period applies. In all cases your account will be seen as active without such a notice of cancellation.

Kind regards,

Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader

Dear Basic Ambulance Assistant

We trust that you had a most enjoyable and restful festive holiday and that you will be graced in this new year with renewed strength, fresh ideas, an abundance of laughter, good health and spirits, love and kindness for all and that your work will be a blessing to you and all the patients that you help this year. May you prosper in your work and in your personal life and may 2015 be the year where every day counts. Each minute that passes is a minute of your life that you will never be able to retrieve again. Enjoy the year and a special thanks for being part of the Focus on Health family. We are looking forward to attending to all your CPD requirements. And remember there is nothing more true than being your real authentic self. Let your light shine bright in 2015!

One way of countering the effects of a postal strike is to have all 15 points for 2015 ready early in the year. And this is exactly what we have done – your activities for 2015 are done and dusted. You now have up to March 2016 to complete them and provide us with your answer sheets.

Activities in Professional Ethics

We provide one very interesting and relevant articles in this category; waking up during an operation and if it is ethical if the anaesthetist then injects you with a drug that will erase any memories of this.

Activity One – GE1(15) Anaesthesia, amnesia and harm 4 Ethics CEU’s


Activity Two – EE2(15) Using Checklists to Minimize Mistakes in the Field. If you don’t have a checklist you probably should. Wake County EMS Clinical checklist. Prevent Medical Errors in the Field with Cognitive Strategies 3 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Three – EE3(15) Understand When to Remove Gloves and Other PPE. Understand Ebola Precautions. Detailed Emergency Medical Services Checklist for Ebola Preparedness. Interim Guidance for EMS Systems and 9-1-1 PSAPs for Management of Patients. Under Investigation for Ebola Virus Disease. Pandemic Preparation Shouldn’t Stop When Threat Decreases. Cleaning the Rig’s Invisible Enemies 7 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – EE4(15) Five common causes of sudden unexpected death every EMS provider should know 1 Clinical CEU’s

Online CPD

Why not complete your answer sheet online?

Remember that you can use our online facility JUST to complete your answer sheets. You don’t have to fax it to us, wait for a confirmation, give us a call or cope with the effects of power outages. Just log in, capture your answers and your Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR) is immediately populated with your results.

If you fax your answer sheet(s) look out for a confirmatory sms from us. If you do not receive such an sms, please fax your answer sheets again.

Refer a friend

When you refer a friend your account is credited with R50.00. To ensure transparency your referrals will also be available online as from 1 April 2015. Who knows, you can get your annual subscription for free if you keep on referring!

What about the rest of 2015?

We will source and accredit new activities throughout 2015 and make it available via the online CPD management system. This will already give you some idea of what you will get in 2016 – so have a look now and then and give us your comments.

Payment and cancellation policy

Should your account be in arrears answer sheets will NOT be assessed. Accounts continually in arrears can also lead to us requesting the blacklisting of the account holder.

For paid up accounts and referrals, we reciprocate by offering a discount on annual fees as well as credits to accounts.

Please remember that we require written notice of cancellation and that a three – month notice period applies. In all cases your account will be seen as active without such a notice of cancellation.

Kind regards,

Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader

Dear Radiographer

We trust that you had a most enjoyable and restful festive holiday and that you will be graced in this new year with renewed strength, fresh ideas, an abundance of laughter, good health and spirits, love and kindness for all and that your work will be a blessing to you and all the patients that you help this year. May you prosper in your work and in your personal life and may 2015 be the year where every day counts. Each minute that passes is a minute of your life that you will never be able to retrieve again. Enjoy the year and a special thanks for being part of the Focus on Health family. We are looking forward to attending to all your CPD requirements. And remember there is nothing more true than being your real authentic self. Let your light shine bright in 2015!

One way of countering the effects of a postal strike is to have all 30 points for 2015 ready early in the year. And this is exactly what we have done – your activities for 2015 are done and dusted. You now have up to March 2016 to complete them and provide us with your answer sheets.

Activities in Professional Ethics

We provide two very interesting and relevant articles in this category; the use of methylphenidate (Ritalin) among healthy people – i.e. those who do not need it because of ADHD, but use it to enhance their cognitive performance – and, secondly, waking up during an operation and if it is ethical if the anaesthetist then injects you with a drug that will erase any memories of this.

Activity One – GE1(15) Anaesthesia, amnesia and harm 4 Ethics CEU’s
Activity Two – GE2(15) The implications of Methylphenidate use by healthy medical 4 Ethics CEU’s

Clinical Activities

An interesting new category has been added; Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives. We trust that you will find this useful and that some practices will apply some of these practice management tips. Please give feedback on the value of these activities.

More activities where radiography comes into play have been included, but we retained variety on imaging modality and disease.

Activities in general are also shorter (1 – 2 points per activity) to allow variety.

Whilst you provide feedback per activity on the answer sheets, please let us know how you find our 2015 activities as a whole.

Activity Two – EE2(15) Why is it so difficult to lose weight? 4 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – A1(15) Congenital and Hereditary Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Adults: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Risk Stratification 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Five – A2(15) Imaging of Oncologic Emergencies: What Every Radiologist Should Know 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Six – A3(15) Radiology of Eating Disorders: A Pictorial Review 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Seven – A4(15) CT and MR Enterography in Children and Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Eight – A5(15) Imaging of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Multimodality Approach 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Nine – A6(15) Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives Quality Improvement and Confirmation Projects: Facilitating Rapid, Measurable Performance Improvement 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Ten – A7(15) Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives Using Lean Principles to Improve Screening Mammography Workflow 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Eleven – A8(15) Learning from the Pulmonary Veins 3 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Twelve – A9(15) Traumatic Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries: What the Spine Surgeon Wants to Know 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Thirteen – A10(15) Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breasts: Review of MR Imaging Features 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Fourteen – A11(15) Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Visual Illusions in Radiology 2 Clinical CEU’s

Online CPD

Why not complete your answer sheet online?

Remember that you can use our online facility JUST to complete your answer sheets. You don’t have to fax it to us, wait for a confirmation, give us a call or cope with the effects of power outages. Just log in, capture your answers and your Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR) is immediately populated with your results.

If you fax your answer sheet(s) look out for a confirmatory sms from us. If you do not receive such an sms, please fax your answer sheets again.

Refer a friend

When you refer a friend your account is credited with R50.00. To ensure transparency your referrals will also be available online as from 1 April 2015. Who knows, you can get your annual subscription for free if you keep on referring!

What about the rest of 2015?

We will source and accredit new activities throughout 2015 and make it available via the online CPD management system. This will already give you some idea of what you will get in 2016 – so have a look now and then and give us your comments.

Payment and cancellation policy

Should your account be in arrears answer sheets will NOT be assessed. Accounts continually in arrears can also lead to us requesting the blacklisting of the account holder.

For paid up accounts and referrals, we reciprocate by offering a discount on annual fees as well as credits to accounts.

Please remember that we require written notice of cancellation and that a three – month notice period applies. In all cases your account will be seen as active without such a notice of cancellation.

Kind regards,

Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader

Dear Supplementary Radiographer

We trust that you had a most enjoyable and restful festive holiday and that you will be graced in this new year with renewed strength, fresh ideas, an abundance of laughter, good health and spirits, love and kindness for all and that your work will be a blessing to you and all the patients that you help this year. May you prosper in your work and in your personal life and may 2015 be the year where every day counts. Each minute that passes is a minute of your life that you will never be able to retrieve again. Enjoy the year and a special thanks for being part of the Focus on Health family. We are looking forward to attending to all your CPD requirements. And remember there is nothing more true than being your real authentic self. Let your light shine bright in 2015!

One way of countering the effects of a postal strike is to have all 30 points for 2015 ready early in the year. And this is exactly what we have done – your activities for 2015 are done and dusted. You now have up to March 2016 to complete them and provide us with your answer sheets.

Activities in Professional Ethics

We provide one very interesting and relevant articles in this category, waking up during an operation and if it is ethical if the anaesthetist then injects you with a drug that will erase any memories of this.

Activity One – GE1(15) Anaesthesia, amnesia and harm 4 Ethics CEU’s

Clinical Activities

An interesting new category has been added; Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives. We trust that you will find this useful and that some practices will apply some of these practice management tips. Please give feedback on the value of these activities.

More activities where radiography comes into play have been included, but we retained variety on imaging modality and disease.

Activities in general are also shorter (1 – 2 points per activity) to allow variety.

Whilst you provide feedback per activity on the answer sheets, please let us know how you find our 2015 activities as a whole.

Activity Two – G1(15) Why is it so difficult to lose weight? 4 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Three – A1(15) Congenital and Hereditary Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Adults: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Risk Stratification 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – A2(15) Imaging of Oncologic Emergencies: What Every Radiologist Should Know 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Five – A3(15) Radiology of Eating Disorders: A Pictorial Review 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Nine – A6(15) Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives Quality Improvement and Confirmation Projects: Facilitating Rapid, Measurable Performance Improvement 1 Clinical CEU’s

Online CPD

Why not complete your answer sheet online?

Remember that you can use our online facility JUST to complete your answer sheets. You don’t have to fax it to us, wait for a confirmation, give us a call or cope with the effects of power outages. Just log in, capture your answers and your Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR) is immediately populated with your results.

If you fax your answer sheet(s) look out for a confirmatory sms from us. If you do not receive such an sms, please fax your answer sheets again.

Refer a friend

When you refer a friend your account is credited with R50.00. To ensure transparency your referrals will also be available online as from 1 April 2015. Who knows, you can get your annual subscription for free if you keep on referring!

What about the rest of 2015?

We will source and accredit new activities throughout 2015 and make it available via the online CPD management system. This will already give you some idea of what you will get in 2016 – so have a look now and then and give us your comments.

Payment and cancellation policy

Should your account be in arrears answer sheets will NOT be assessed. Accounts continually in arrears can also lead to us requesting the blacklisting of the account holder.

For paid up accounts and referrals, we reciprocate by offering a discount on annual fees as well as credits to accounts.

Please remember that we require written notice of cancellation and that a three – month notice period applies. In all cases your account will be seen as active without such a notice of cancellation.

Kind regards,

Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader

Dear Radiologist

We trust that you had a most enjoyable and restful festive holiday and that you will be graced in this new year with renewed strength, fresh ideas, an abundance of laughter, good health and spirits, love and kindness for all and that your work will be a blessing to you and all the patients that you help this year. May you prosper in your work and in your personal life and may 2015 be the year where every day counts. Each minute that passes is a minute of your life that you will never be able to retrieve again. Enjoy the year and a special thanks for being part of the Focus on Health family. We are looking forward to attending to all your CPD requirements. And remember there is nothing more true than being your real authentic self. Let your light shine bright in 2015!

One way of countering the effects of a postal strike is to have all 30 points for 2015 ready early in the year. And this is exactly what we have done – your activities for 2015 are done and dusted. You now have up to March 2016 to complete them and provide us with your answer sheets.

Activities in Professional Ethics

We provide two very interesting and relevant articles in this category; the use of methylphenidate (Ritalin) among healthy people – i.e. those who do not need it because of ADHD, but use it to enhance their cognitive performance – and, secondly, waking up during an operation and if it is ethical if the anaesthetist then injects you with a drug that will erase any memories of this.

Activity One – GE1(15) Anaesthesia, amnesia and harm 4 Ethics CEU’s
Activity Two – GE2(15) The implications of Methylphenidate use by healthy medical 4 Ethics CEU’s

Clinical Activities

An interesting new category has been added; Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives. We trust that you will find this useful and that some practices will apply some of these practice management tips. Please give feedback on the value of these activities.

More activities where radiography comes into play have been included, but we retained variety on imaging modality and disease.

Activities in general are also shorter (1 – 2 points per activity) to allow variety.

Whilst you provide feedback per activity on the answer sheets, please let us know how you find our 2015 activities as a whole.

Activity Three – G1(15) Why is it so difficult to lose weight? 4 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – A1(15) Congenital and Hereditary Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Adults: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Risk Stratification 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Five – A2(15) Imaging of Oncologic Emergencies: What Every Radiologist Should Know 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Six – A3(15) Radiology of Eating Disorders: A Pictorial Review 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Seven – A4(15) CT and MR Enterography in Children and Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Eight – A5(15) Imaging of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Multimodality Approach 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Nine – A6(15) Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives Quality Improvement and Confirmation Projects: Facilitating Rapid, Measurable Performance Improvement 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Ten – A7(15) Practice Policy and Quality Initiatives Using Lean Principles to Improve Screening Mammography Workflow 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Eleven – A8(15) Learning from the Pulmonary Veins 3 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Twelve – A9(15) Traumatic Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries: What the Spine Surgeon Wants to Know 1 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Thirteen – A10(15) Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breasts: Review of MR Imaging Features 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Fourteen – A11(15) Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Visual Illusions in Radiology 2 Clinical CEU’s

Online CPD

Why not complete your answer sheet online?

Remember that you can use our online facility JUST to complete your answer sheets. You don’t have to fax it to us, wait for a confirmation, give us a call or cope with the effects of power outages. Just log in, capture your answers and your Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR) is immediately populated with your results.

If you fax your answer sheet(s) look out for a confirmatory sms from us. If you do not receive such an sms, please fax your answer sheets again.

Refer a friend

When you refer a friend your account is credited with R50.00. To ensure transparency your referrals will also be available online as from 1 April 2015. Who knows, you can get your annual subscription for free if you keep on referring!

What about the rest of 2015?

We will source and accredit new activities throughout 2015 and make it available via the online CPD management system. This will already give you some idea of what you will get in 2016 – so have a look now and then and give us your comments.

Payment and cancellation policy

Should your account be in arrears answer sheets will NOT be assessed. Accounts continually in arrears can also lead to us requesting the blacklisting of the account holder.

For paid up accounts and referrals, we reciprocate by offering a discount on annual fees as well as credits to accounts.

Please remember that we require written notice of cancellation and that a three – month notice period applies. In all cases your account will be seen as active without such a notice of cancellation.

Kind regards,

Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader

Dear Dentist


Herewith we include your last CPD activity for 2014. This activity has three clinical components to the value of 8 CEU’s as well as an ethical component to the value of 2 CEU’s. Together with your first activity that was to the value of 20 clinical CEU’s, this concludes your 30 points for the year. Well done!

2nd Package for 2014

Activity One – B2(14)
  • Cytotoxicity of QMix™endodontic irrigating solution on human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
  • Comparison of digital and conventional impression techniques: evaluation of patients’ perception, treatment comfort, effectiveness and clinical outcomes.
  • How not to overwork your hands
  • Current Fluoride Modalities for Reduction of Dental Caries
4 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Two – B3(14)
  • Self-induced vomiting and dental erosion–a clinical study
  • Association between harmful alcohol use and periodontal status according to gender and smoking
  • Early childhood caries and its relationship with perinatal, socioeconomic and nutritional risks: a cross-sectional study
2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Three – B4(14)
  • Influence of sport mouth guards on the ecological factors of the oral cavity
  • Tungiasis presenting as a soft tissue oral lesion
2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – GE2(14) Art 1
  • Moral responsibility for (un) healthy behaviour
2 Clinical CEU’s


Our database development is now complete!!

Please be on the lookout for an email providing you with a username and password for our new Focus on Health Portal. If you have not received this email please contact Shelley at our office.

This will enable you to access your CPD profile online via our website through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Furthermore, you will be able to check and change personal detail, view and download your most recent Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR), upload other CPD certificates and view your payment details.

Our new website as well as the use of Facebook (from September) should allow for more effective communication. Please make use of these – they are there for you!


Your subscription will automatically be carried over to 2015. Please note that we require a three-month cancellation notice.

1st PACKAGE OF 2014

It has come to our attention that some of our CPD packages got lost at the post office. From the list below, please check that you did receive our 1st CPD package sent in July: (If not, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.)

  • B1 (14) Bleaching Agents
  • PEE1 (14) Ethical decision making: Should paramedics ever accept patients’ refusal of treatment or further assessment? Paramedics, consent and refusal – are we competent?
  • G1(14) Holiday Heart syndrome and Caffeine: No down side, hint of benefit in AF
  • GE1(14) Stimulant drug treatment

We trust that the last stretch of the year will be prosperous for you and that you will stay in good health. May spring bring joy and a new lease of life to all of you!

We conclude with a quirky quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!”

Kind regards,
Shelley Schouten

FOH Team Leader And other members of the FoH Team:
Dana van Zyl: Director; Erika Grosskopf: CPD researcher, Fred & Anel: Finances; Tshego & Salome: General CPD queries; Shelley: Online assistance & audit queries

Dear Oral Hygienist


Herewith we include your last CPD activity for 2014. This activity has three clinical components to the value of 8 CEU’s as well as an ethical component to the value of 2 CEU’s. Together with your first activity that was to the value of 20 clinical CEU’s, this concludes your 30 points for the year. Well done!

2nd Package for 2014

Activity One – B2(14)
  • Cytotoxicity of QMix™endodontic irrigating solution on human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
  • Comparison of digital and conventional impression techniques: evaluation of patients’ perception, treatment comfort, effectiveness and clinical outcomes.
  • How not to overwork your hands
  • Current Fluoride Modalities for Reduction of Dental Caries
4 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Two – B3(14)
  • Self-induced vomiting and dental erosion–a clinical study
  • Association between harmful alcohol use and periodontal status according to gender and smoking
  • Early childhood caries and its relationship with perinatal, socioeconomic and nutritional risks: a cross-sectional study
2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Three – B4(14)
  • Influence of sport mouth guards on the ecological factors of the oral cavity
  • Tungiasis presenting as a soft tissue oral lesion
2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four – GE2(14) Art 1
  • Moral responsibility for (un) healthy behaviour
2 Clinical CEU’s


Our database development is now complete!!

Please be on the lookout for an email providing you with a username and password for our new Focus on Health Portal. If you have not received this email please contact Shelley at our office.

This will enable you to access your CPD profile online via our website through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Furthermore, you will be able to check and change personal detail, view and download your most recent Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR), upload other CPD certificates and view your payment details.

Our new website as well as the use of Facebook (from September) should allow for more effective communication. Please make use of these – they are there for you!


Your subscription will automatically be carried over to 2015. Please note that we require a three-month cancellation notice.

1stPACKAGE OF 2014

It has come to our attention that some of our CPD packages got lost at the post office. From the list below, please check that you did receive our 1st CPD package sent in July: (If not, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.)

  • B1 (14) Bleaching Agents
  • PEE1 (14) Ethical decision making: Should paramedics ever accept patients’ refusal of treatment or further assessment? Paramedics, consent and refusal – are we competent?
  • G1(14) Holiday Heart syndrome and Caffeine: No down side, hint of benefit in AF
  • GE1(14) Stimulant drug treatment

We trust that the last stretch of the year will be prosperous for you and that you will stay in good health. May spring bring joy and a new lease of life to all of you!

We conclude with a quirky quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!”

Kind regards,
Shelley Schouten

FOH Team Leader And other members of the FoH Team:
Dana van Zyl: Director; Erika Grosskopf: CPD researcher, Fred & Anel: Finances; Tshego & Salome: General CPD queries; Shelley: Online assistance & audit queries

Dear Emergency Care Practitioner


Herewith we include your last CPD activity for 2014. This activity has a clinical component E3(14) for 4 CEU’s, together with your first activity that was to the value of 28 clinical CEU’s, concludes your 30 points (and 2 extra) for the year. Well done!

2nd Package for 2014

Activity One E3(14)
  • Vocal Cord Dysfunction is a Puzzling Asthma Mimic
  • How to Identify and Manage Massive Gastro-esophageal Hemorrhage
  • The Inns and Outs of Apneic Oxygenation
4 Clinical CEU’s


Our database development is now complete!!

Please be on the lookout for an email providing you with a username and password for our new Focus on Health Portal. If you have not received this email please contact Shelley at our office.

This will enable you to access your CPD profile online via our website through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Furthermore, you will be able to check and change personal detail, view and download your most recent Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR), upload other CPD certificates and view your payment details.

Our new website as well as the use of Facebook (from September) should allow for more effective communication. Please make use of these – they are there for you!


Your subscription will automatically be carried over to 2015. Please note that we require a three-month cancellation notice.


We will again provide you with two (2) packages; one early in the year for 20 CEU’s and by August/September another 10CEU’s.

1st PACKAGE OF 2014

It has come to our attention that some of our CPD packages got lost at the post office. From the list below, please check that you did receive our 1st CPD package sent in July: (If not, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.)

  • E1 (14) How to Treat Vehicular Hyperthermia in Children; Treating Sucking Chest Wounds and Other Traumatic chest injuries. Health and Safety: The Bare Necessities of EMS; Tools to Safely Transport Patients. The Effects of Consuming. Caffeine and Energy Drinks on a Long Shift. How and Why to improve employee wellness.
  • E2 (14) Young Athlete’s Abdominal Pain Indicative of more. How a Cautious Approach to TBI Patients may help Reduce. Incidents of Second Impact Syndrome. Infection detection: Identifying and Understanding Sepsis in the Pre-hospital Setting. How to Recognize and Treat Heart Block.
  • PEE1 (14) Ethical decision making: Should paramedics ever accept patients’ refusal of treatment or further assessment? Paramedics, consent and refusal – are we competent?
  • G1(14) Holiday Heart syndrome and Caffeine: No down side, hint of benefit in AF
  • GE1(14) Stimulant drug treatment

We trust that the last stretch of the year will be prosperous for you and that you will stay in good health. May spring bring joy and a new lease of life to all of you!

We conclude with a quirky quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!”

Kind regards,
Shelley Schouten

FOH Team Leader And other members of the FoH Team:
Dana van Zyl: Director; Erika Grosskopf: CPD researcher, Fred & Anel: Finances; Tshego & Salome: General CPD queries; Shelley: Online assistance & audit queries

Dear Radiographer, Radiologist, Doctor, Paramedic and AEA

Your second CPD activity for 2014 is ready and has been sent out to those receiving it by means of email. For our members receiving it by means of post you may call Shelley at our offices (012 653 2394 / 0133) to rather email the package to you. For the time being, please see below the facebook status update from the South African Postal Services.

Dear Radiographer


Herewith we include your last CPD activity for 2014. This activity has four clinical components for 7 CEU’s which, together with your first activity that was to the value of 17 clinical CEU’s and 6 Ethics CEU’s, conclude your 30 points for the year. Well done!

2nd Package for 2014

Activity One A1(14) Imaging of the liver for Hepatocellular cancer 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Two A2(14) How Radiology in emergency medicine saves lives 1 Clinical CEU
Activity Three A3(14) MR imaging assessment of the breast after breast conservation therapy: distinguishing benign from malignant lesions 2 Clinical CEU’s
Activity Four A4(14) Radiologic Review of Total Elbow, Radial Head, and Capitellar Resurfacing Arthroplasty 2 Clinical CEU’s


Our database development is now complete!!

Please be on the lookout for an email providing you with a username and password for our new Focus on Health Portal. Also, look in your spam or junk folder for this email. If you have not received this email by the end of September 2014 please contact Shelley at our office.

This will enable you to access your CPD profile online via our website through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Furthermore, you will be able to check and change personal detail, view and download your most recent Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR), upload other CPD certificates and view your payment details.

Our new website as well as the use of Facebook (from September) should allow for more effective communication. Please make use of these – they are there for you!


Your subscription will automatically be carried over to 2015. Please note that we require a three-month cancellation notice.


We will again provide you with two (2) packages; one early in the year for 20 CEU’s and by August another 10CEU’s.

1st PACKAGE OF 2014

It has come to our attention that some of our CPD packages got lost at the post office. From the list below, please check that you did receive our 1st CPD package sent in July: (If not, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.)

  • Ac2(14) Transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate
  • G1(14) Holiday Heart syndrome and Caffeine: No down side, hint of benefit in AF
  • GE1(14) Stimulant drug treatment

We trust that the last stretch of the year will be prosperous for you and that you will stay in good health. May spring bring joy and a new lease of life to all of you!

We conclude with a quirky quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!”

Kind regards,
Shelley Schouten

FOH Team Leader And other members of the FoH Team:
Dana van Zyl: Director; Erika Grosskopf: CPD researcher, Fred & Anel: Finances; Tshego & Salome: General CPD queries; Shelley: Online assistance & audit queries