
  • STEP 1

    After you have logged in, navigate to the CPD Activities and Questionnaires tab where you will find the activities (as mentioned below) you have to complete.

    You will need 60 CEU’s for your audit to be compliant. A minimum of 10 CEU’s should be in the ethics category.

  • STEP 2

    Below is a list of all the activities available to complete.

    These cover a total of 62 CEU’s, and comprise 24 clinical, 17 ethics and 21 general CEU’s.

    1. If you already have a few CEU’s, complete any activities to make up for the CEU shortfall you need.


    1. If you currently have no CEU’s, complete any activities to make up for the 60 CEU’s you will need.


  • STEP 3

    When you have completed the necessary activities for your audit, please send an email or WhatsApp to notify us.

    ( / 074 230 3874)

    We will confirm the correctness and then submit your CPD Individual Activity Record (IAR) on 29May2020 via email to the HPCSA and copy you in the email for your reference.

* Should you not finish before the 29th of May at 12h00 we will request for an extension on your behalf and send you an email with more details of the next steps.

Please contact us should you need more guidance.

  • D1(19) – Effects of single versus multiple bouts of resistance training
  • D2(19) – Balance and lower limb muscle activation
  • D6(19) – Validity of sports watches when estimating energy expenditure during running
  • D11(19) – The predictive ability of the STarT Back Tool was limited in people with chronic low back pain: a prospective cohort study
  • D13(19) – The likelihood of general practitioners referring patients to physiotherapists is low for some health problems: secondary analysis of the Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH) observational study
  • D14(19) – Exercise programs may be effective in preventing a new episode of neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  • D20(19) – Effectiveness of kinesiologic tape application in rotator cuff injuries
  • D21(19) – Efficacy of suboccipital and sternocleidomastoid release technique in forward head posture patients with neck pain: a randomized control trial
  • PE1(20) Ethical guidelines on social media
  • PE1(19) – Advanced directives as a tool to respect patient’s values and preferences: discussion on the case of Alzheimer’s disease
  • PE2(19) – How technology impacts on the therapeutic relationship
  • PE3(20) – Digital pills: a scoping review of the empirical literature and analysis of the ethical aspects
  • PE5(20) – General ethical guidelines for good practice in telemedicine
  • G1(19) – Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology, And Implications for the Acute Care Setting
  • G1(20) Human trafficking – what the health care professional can do
  • G2(20) – Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
  • G2a(19) Update of cannabis and its medical use  History and Pharmacology Part 1 of 3
  • G2b(19) Update of cannabis and its medical use  Cannabis toxicity and dependence Part 2 of 3
  • G2c(19) Update of cannabis and its medical use  The use of cannabis for medical purposes Part 3 of 3
  • G3(20) – The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence
  • G5(20) – Clinical management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 disease