Complimentary COVID-19 CPD for 2020

If your account had been settled, you may share our COVID-19 CPD with ONE friend with compliments of Focus on Health.

Below you will find a list as well as button to the activities.

  • G2(20) – Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China (2 CEU’s)
  • G3(20) – The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence (2 CEU’s)
  • G4(20) – Radiological findings from 81 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study (2 CEU’s)
  • G5(20) – Clinical management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 disease (3 CEU’s)
  • PE5(20) – General ethical guidelines for good practice in telemedicine (3 CEU’s)


Important info when you share this:

  1. PLEASE provide them with this link to download the activities.
  2. They can then return the answer sheet to us for their CPD certificate.
  3. They have to provide us with their HPCSA registration number, ID No, Cell Number as well as an email address.
  4. Have them fill in your “FoH no” in the space provide on the answer sheet with the word “COMPLIMENTARY”.

If your account is settled would like to offer you a special THANK YOU. In times like this we realise the value of each payment as it allows us to continue operating, pay our employees and suppliers and contribute to the Solidarity Fund.

You are a star – thank you.