Focus on Health Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions
- Focus on Health memberships represents an annual subscription. Membership fees will be due and payable once Focus on Health has emailed, couriered, posted, provided online access, or personally delivered accredited activities to the member.
- For the members’ convenience, membership is renewed on the last day of the calendar year. Following which Focus on Health will provide the member with his/her new CPD activities for the next year via the selected delivery option and details provided above. It is the members’ responsibility to inform Focus on Health of any changes.
- Cash is ONLY accepted at our offices in Centurion. Memberships paid through making a cash payment at a bank, will incur a higher membership fee.
- All membership cancellations should be submitted twenty (20) business days before the renewal date of 31 December of each year. For [all other cancellations] received hereafter; part of the membership fee, or the full membership fee will be incurred if the CPD material was delivered.
- Please contact us if you did not receive your membership number and login detail via SMS within 24-36 hours. Please contact us within two weeks after submitting this application if you did not receive your CPD activities.
- All correspondence and receipt of payments sent to Focus on Health will be confirmed via SMS.
- As part of your membership we reserve the right to communicate with you via WhatsApp, SMS, telephone or email regarding the delivery of your CPD activities, statements and accounts, changes in CPD compliance as communicated by statutory bodies and any other important information relating to our management of your CPD membership and status.
Protection of Personal Information Act, (Act 4 of 2013)
- I hereby give my consent freely and voluntary that Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd and its employees may collect, process and store my personal data, such as my name, surname, identity number, e-mail address, telephone address and assessment outcomes.
- I understand that Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd uses an external courier company to deliver packages and that by providing my address and contact details to the company the courier company may also receive these details when delivering a package.
- I understand that my personal information as recorded and stored by Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd is protected under and in full accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act, (4 of 2013). Any additional personal information that is supplied by myself will be subject to the same standard of confidentiality and protection.
- I understand that I have the right to withdraw, verify or change my information held by Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd and that I may request access to the information which was collected and processed by Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd.
- I further understand that I am free to withdraw this consent at any time, provided that I inform Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd of same in writing.
- If there is reason for me to believe that my personal information is not processed in the correct manner or that it is used for other purposes than what it was intended for, I may contact the information officer/deputy information officer of Focus on Health (Pty) Ltd.
- Your personal information will be processed according to our Privacy Statement. You are welcome to request a copy at any stage.