Dental assistants and BLS Emergency cares
As per the HPCSA’s requirements, you must complete 15 CEU’s per year, with a minimum of 2 CEU’s being in the category of Professional Ethics, Human Rights, and health law. The HPCSA also requires that registered practitioners always maintain a balance of 30 active CEU’s.
[Note: A CEU is valid / active for two years from date of accrual, after which it expires / lapses, and the HCP must then complete further accredited CPD activities to make up the expired CEUs]
All other professions
As per the HPCSA’s requirements, you must complete 30 CEU’s per year, with a minimum of 5 CEU’s being in the category of Professional Ethics, Human Rights and health law. The HPCSA also requires that registered practitioners always maintain a balance of 60 active CEU’s.
[Note: A CEU is valid / active for two years from date of accrual, after which it expires / lapses, and the HCP must then complete further accredited CPD activities to make up the expired CEUs]