Dispensing Compliance Tool Personal DetailsTitle* Miss Mrs Mr Dr Prof Initials* Full Name* Surname* Statutory Council Number* ID Number* Profession*Select your professionDentistMedical practitionerNurse practitionerContact DetailsEmail* Cell Number*Dispensing LicenseDo you need assistance with obtaining your dispensing license?* Yes No Select the topics below that you need assistance with. The topics marked with an X are included in the monthly fee of R30.00. We will contact you with a quote for the topics that are not included in the monthly fee.*Hold Ctrl to select more than oneDoH compliance checkerGood Pharmacy Practice compliance checkerAct 101 compliance checklistTerms and Conditions* Hereby I acknowledge that in submitting this form, I apply for Focus on Health membership, valid for one year, and which will renew automatically unless a three-month written notice of cancellation is given. Membership will allow me to partake in Focus on Health’s Online dispensing management system program at a price consideration specific to my profession. CAPTCHA Δ