Survey Thank you for registering with us. Refer to your email for important information. If you have time, please complete our survey.Complete survey now?* Yes No Call me to answer the survey questionsFull Name Phone NumberOn a scale from 1 to 5 please rate the registration process Scale: 1 being "easy peasy" and 5 "I needed a degree" to complete my registrationWas it easy to find the relevant information about the CPD service we offer?Select12345Were you able to quickly choose an option (membership vs pay as you go)?Select12345Was it easy to find our registration form?Select12345Was it easy to complete the form?Select12345Were you searching for CPD when you came across out site?SelectYesNoWhat was your search term(s)? Did you register the first time you visited the site or are you a returned visitor?SelectFirst timeReturned to registerWhy Any suggestions? Δ