South African Pharmacy Council,

Registered persons have an obligation to promote the provision of pharmaceutical care which complies with universal norms and values, with the goal of achieving definite therapeutic outcomes for the health and quality of life of patients, by ensuring that the public receive maximum therapeutic benefits from medicines, medical devices and In Vitro Diagnostic medical devices (IVD).

The required continuing professional development activities must be submitted on the system in accordance with the continuing professional development cycle that follows the four-step process of reflection on practice, planning. implementation and evaluation or reflection on learning.

The CPD cycle comprising the following four steps must be followed when submitting CPD activities online:

  • Step 1: Reflection on practice (Answers the questions – what do I need to know? What do I need to be able to do?)
  • Step 2: Planning (Answers the question – How can I learn?)
  • Step 3: Implementation (Describes the action taken)
  • Step 4: Evaluation or reflection on learning (Answers the questions – What have I learnt? How is it benefiting my practice?)

PE1(23) Artificial intelligence (AI) and black box technology Part 1

PE2(23) Ethical issues in the use of wearable devices Part 1

PE2(23) Ethical issues in the use of wearable devices Part 2

G1(23) Wearable tech in healthcare Part 1

G1(23) Wearable tech in healthcare Part 2

G1(23) Wearable tech in healthcare Part 3

The Genetics of Obesity

Multidisciplinary Progress in Obesity Research
