Dear Dental assistant
Herewith we include your last CPD activity for 2014. This activity has a clinical component BB2(14) for 3 CEU’s and also one that covers Professional Ethics to the value of 2 CEU’s which, together with your first activity that was to the value of 10 clinical CEU’s, concludes your 15 points for the year. Well done!
The first article of this activity: “Moral responsibility for (un)healthy behaviours” elaborates on the role personal responsibility should play in healthcare provision given the growing significance of individual lifestyle choices for health. It poses the question: “Are you totally responsible for lifestyle choices you make, or are there other factors outside your control that play a role?” What is your reaction to a patient’s “bad teeth” which is due to lifestyle choices? Interesting isn’t it?
You will soon receive an email from us, providing you with a username and password. This will enable you to access your CPD profile online via our website through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Furthermore, you will be able to check and change personal detail, view and download your most recent Individual CPD Activity Record (IAR), upload other CPD certificates and view your payment details.
Our new website as well as the use of Facebook (from September) should allow more effective communication. Please make use of these – they are there for you!
Your subscription will automatically be carried over to 2015. Please note that we require a three-month cancellation notice.
We will again provide you with two (2) packages; one early in the year for your clinical CEU’s (10) and by August your ethics activity (5).
1st PACKAGE OF 2014
It has come to our attention that many of our CPD packages got lost at the post office. From the list below, please check that you did receive our 1st CPD package sent in June: (If not, please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.)
- BB1(14) Trends in Dental Hygiene
- G1(14) Holiday Heart syndrome and Caffeine: No down side, hint of benefit in AF
We trust that the last stretch of the year will be prosperous for you and that you will stay in good health. May spring bring joy and a new lease of life to all of you!
We conclude with a quirky quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face.
“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken!”
Kind regards,
Shelley Schouten
FOH Team Leader And other members of the FoH Team:
Dana van Zyl: Director; Erika Grosskopf: CPD researcher, Fred & Anel: Finances; Tshego & Salome: General CPD queries; Shelley: Online assistance & audit queries