Latest News
Google’s ‘Predictive EHR’ Uses Machine Learning to Forecast Health Events
The US Patent and Trademark Office on January 31 published Google's…
Health department head office in Civitas building a hazard for staff
The Citizen reports that the Department of…
Health department to challenge building closure
PRETORIA - The Health Department plans to challenge…
Updated Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
Dear Emergency Care Practitioner,
Your scope of practice has…
Workers shut down Department of Health building
Please take note: Proceedings at the the Department of Health…
How to earn CPD points
It is not difficult to earn points in Continuing…
Striking workers still bedevil Sapo’s grant payments
Dear Focus on Health members.
Please read the following article…
Dispensing fee to be charged by persons licensed in terms of Section 22C(1)(a)
The Minister of Health has, on the recommendation of the Pricing…
HPCSA has just sent out their first audit for 2018
The HPCSA has just sent out their first audit for 2018 by email.…
Update to nursing profession
UPDATE TO NURSING PROFESSION and relevant Stakeholders about…
CPD: Guidelines for the Health Practitioners